At Murdoch University, we are inclusive and understand that ability, aptitude and motivation to succeed in degree studies can be demonstrated in many ways.  If you’re a domestic student and haven’t met a selection rank of 70 via academic ATAR or IB scores, AQF qualifications, or enabling programs, then regardless of whether you are a high school leaver or over the age of 20, our experience based entry could be the ideal option for you.

Experience based entry assesses your academic and vocational and life achievements, in combination. We take into consideration evidence of extracurricular and life experiences, such as employment, volunteering, work experience, sports coaching, and school and community leadership because these are great indicators of your interests, motivation, commitment, and desire to succeed and contribute.

Depending on what you have achieved, we will assign points based on your academic and extracurricular experiences. You will need a minimum of 3 academic points and 1 experience point for this pathway. You can find out more about how we assign points below.

Eligible courses

Most of our undergraduate courses with a selection rank of 70 are available via our experienced based entry pathway, with the exception of Nursing, and Laboratory Medicine.

Arts, Creative Media or Communications courses

Planning to study a course that showcases your creative flair? We recommend you look into the Media Portfolio pathway which caters specifically to creative minds.

Learn more about our Media Portfolio pathway.

High school leavers

(Current Year 12s, or 19 years or under at time of application)

You will be able to attain points for both academic and extracurricular/life experience.

High School Leavers will be required to attain a minimum of 3 points for academic attainment for their application to proceed.

The minimum requirements to attain 3 points are:

  • Passes in 3 ATAR subjects, or
    ‘B’ grades in 3 General subjects, or a combination of both. For example, a pass in 1 x ATAR subject and 2 x ‘B’ grades in General subjects.
  • An accredited Cert III may be used in lieu of one of the above, for example 1 ATAR subject, 1 ‘B’ grade in a General subject, and a Cert III.
  • A combination of any of the above will meet the minimum academic points required. For the range of possible combinations, click here (link to PDF with all possible scenarios)

Extra academic points will be awarded for:

  • a grade of 65% or higher in one or more ATAR subjects, or ‘A’ grades in one or more General subjects
  • if one or more of the ATAR subjects is Specialist Maths, Chemistry or a Language other than English
  • attaining 3 to 5 University credit points via micro-credentials, or a University level unit.

A combination of any of the above will meet the minimum academic points required. For more detail, see the range of possible combinations [PDF].

High School Leavers will be required to attain at least 1 point for evidenced extracurricular / life experience. Points can be awarded for:

  • paid employment for 208+ hours in the previous 12 months,
  • unpaid Work Experience for 38+ hours in the previous 12 months,
  • unpaid sport coaching, umpiring, academic tutoring or mentoring for 40+ hours in the previous 12 months
  • community participation or leadership (including volunteering) for 40+ hours in the previous 12 months. This can be cumulative hours across several activities,
  • holding a position of active responsibility in a club, society, or School leadership position in the previous 12 months e.g.: prefect, student council, sports faction leader.

Extra points can be awarded if the hours are double the minimum requirement, and an extra point can also awarded if any of the above activities are related to the desired area of study, for example leading or volunteering to deliver activities for a Robotics Club and seeking entry to IT or Engineering Technology.

To apply for Semester 1, apply via TISC. To apply for mid-year entry, apply direct to Murdoch. When submitting your application, you’ll need to include:

  • Completed Experience based entry cover form.
  • Supporting documents verifying any VET qualifications, or university micro-credentials or units.
  • References verifying your employment and life experiences. References will need to outline the nature of activity e.g.: paid employment, volunteering, coaching; hours undertaken; a comment regarding your reliability and impact of your participation in the role or activity. Alternatively referee contact details can be provided in the cover form.
  • If you’re a Western Australian student your end of Year 11 and final Year 12 results will be available to our Admissions team via TISC. If you’re applying from interstate, please include your secondary school subject results.
  • If applying from July, mid-year Year 12 reports with subject grades may be uploaded for assessment.

Mature age applicants

(20 years or over at time of application)

If secondary schooling was completed within the previous 5 years, then you can utilise your Year 12 results to meet the academic requirements. Alternatively, or if 5 years has elapsed since secondary schooling then the following eligibility criteria can be used.

  • Certificate IIIs or Trade Certificates that relate to the desired area of study will be awarded academic points.
  • University micro credentials and/or a university level unit.
  • Paid employment greater than 450 hours in an area cognate to the desired area of study in the previous 24 months.
  • Cumulative unpaid work experience, community participation (including volunteer work) for greater than 150 hours in an area cognate to the desired area of study in the previous 24 months.

Extra points can be awarded if the hours are double the minimum requirement.

Apply direct to Murdoch University for Semester 1 or Semester 2 entry. When submitting your application, you’ll need to include:

  • Completed Experience based entry cover form.
  • Supporting documents verifying VET or Trade qualifications, employment and / or experiences that relate to the desired area of study (e.g. VET Certificates). References will need to outline the nature of activity e.g.: paid employment, work experience, volunteering; hours undertaken; a comment regarding your reliability; a comment regarding your reliability and impact of your participation in the role or activity. Alternatively referee contact details can be provided in the cover form.

English language requirements

Meet our English language requirements, demonstrated by one of the following:

  • evidence of completing Year 11 and 12 in Australia at any level
  • evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years study at a TAFE or at a Registered Training Organisation
  • a scaled score of 50 in ATAR level English, Literature or EALD; a letter grade of B in General English, Literature or EALD, or a score of at least 140 in the written English section of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT).

How to apply

All applicants need to demonstrate they meet our minimum English language requirements to qualify for entry. At the time of application, you’ll need to submit the form below, and any supporting documents.

Follow the specific requirements outlined above for high school leavers and mature aged applicants.


Applicants who have met the minimum requirement will have their application reviewed by the Academic Chair of the course being requested. If you have provided a reference(s) outlining your experience noting the required hours and nature of activity, and commentary attesting to your reliability, and positive impact, or have provided a contactable referee, then your application will likely result in a formal offer.

Additional points can strengthen your application. Additional academic points will be awarded for:

  • a grade of 65% or higher in one or more ATAR subjects, or ‘A’ grades in one or more General subjects
  • if one or more of the ATAR subjects is Specialist Maths, Chemistry or a Language other than English
  • attaining 3 to 5 University credit points via micro-credentials, or a University level unit.
An Early Offer can be made to applicants using the Experience Based Entry pathway.  We’ll look at your Year 11 results, and your references verifying your Experiences. If applying from July, you may instead upload your Year 12 mid-year report with subject grades. If you’re on track with the required level of subjects and grades, we may make an Early Offer, conditional on you attaining the required grades on completion of Year 12.
If you’re a School Leaver applying through TISC, applications will open early May. The first round of Early Offers will be made in early September, with further offer rounds in October, November and early December.  You must have a Murdoch course as your first preference to be assessed for an Early Offer. After the release of final Year 12 results, unconditional offers will be made in the Main Round in mid-December. Check the TISC calendar for important dates.

If you are a Mature Age applicant, and applying direct to Murdoch University, then your application will likely be assessed with an outcome within two to three weeks.

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