Every course at Murdoch University has an award title and abbreviation, which can be used to denote the qualification achieved after study. On this page you will find a listing of all Murdoch University awards, current and historical, and recommended award abbreviations.
Award abbreviations refer to the award only and do not include components of a course such as majors, co-majors or minors. If you have completed a combined course, list the award abbreviations for each award. Do not use punctuation or other characters to separate them.
By convention, when writing post-nominals you should list your highest degree first. The accepted institutional abbreviation for Murdoch University is Murd (italicised), e.g. BNurs Murd
Award Title (Abbreviation) | Status |
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (BAgSc) | Current |
Bachelor of Animal Science (BAnimSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Animal Science Honours (BAnimSc(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Applied Economics (BAppEcon) | Historical |
Bachelor of Applied Information Systems (BAppInfSys) | Historical |
Bachelor of Applied Information Technology (BAppIT) | Historical |
Bachelor of Applied Policy (BAppPol) | Historical |
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAppSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Current |
Bachelor of Arts Honours (BA(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Asian Area Studies (BAsianAreaSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Asian Studies (BAsianSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Asian Studies Honours (BAsianSt(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Biotechnology (BBiotech) | Historical |
Bachelor of Business (BBus) | Current |
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBusAdmin) | Historical |
Bachelor of Business Honours (BBus(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Business in Applied Accounting (BBusAppAcc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Business Informatics (BBusInformat) | Historical |
Bachelor of Business Information Technology Studies (BBusITSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Chiropractic (BChiro) | Historical |
Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic (BClinChiro) | Current |
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) | Current |
Bachelor of Commerce Honours (BCom(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Common Law (BCommonLaw) | Historical |
Bachelor of Communication (BComm) | Current |
Bachelor of Communication Honours (BComm(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Community Studies (BCtySt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Computer Studies (BCompSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Creative Media (BCrMedia) | Current |
Bachelor of Creative Media Honours (BCrMedia(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Criminology (BCrim) | Current |
Bachelor of Criminology Honours (BCrim(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Data Analytics (BDataAnalyt) | Current |
Bachelor of Development Studies (BDevSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Digital Marketing and Media (BDigMktMedia) | Historical |
Bachelor of Digital Marketing and Media Honours (BDigMktMedia(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Digital Media (BDigMedia) | Historical |
Bachelor of Digital Media and Communication (BDigMedia&Comm) | Historical |
Bachelor of Digital Media Honours (BDigMedia(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Divinity (BDiv) | Historical |
Bachelor of Divinity Honours (BDiv(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Economics (BEcon) | Historical |
Bachelor of Economics Honours (BEcon(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Education (BEd) | Historical |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary Teaching) (BEd(ECPrimTeach)) | Current |
Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching) (BEd(Prim)) | Current |
Bachelor of Education (Primary, 1-10 Health and Physical Education) (BEd(PrimHlthPhysEd)) | Current |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Teaching) (BEd(Sec)) | Current |
Bachelor of Education Honours (BEd(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Education Studies (BEdSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) | Historical |
Bachelor of Engineering Honours (BEng(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Engineering Science (BEngSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BEngTech) | Current |
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BEntreInnov) | Current |
Bachelor of Environmental Impact Assessment (BEnvImpAsst) | Historical |
Bachelor of Environmental Management (BEnvMgt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Environmental Management Honours (BEnvMgt(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Environmental Science (BEnvSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours (BEnvSc(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Extractive Metallurgy (BExtMet) | Historical |
Bachelor of Finance and Economics (BFinEcon) | Historical |
Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition (BFoodScNutr) | Current |
Bachelor of Forensics (BFor) | Historical |
Bachelor of Forensics Honours (BFor(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Global Security (BGlobSec) | Current |
Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHlthSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Horticultural Science (BHortSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Horticultural Science Honours (BHortSc(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Information Systems Studies (BInfSysSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) | Current |
Bachelor of Information Technology and Business (BIT&Bus) | Current |
Bachelor of Information Technology Management (BITMgt) | Historical |
Bachelor of International Business (BIntBus) | Historical |
Bachelor of Journalism (BJourn) | Historical |
Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine (BLabMed) | Current |
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) | Current |
Bachelor of Laws Honours (LLB(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Legal Studies (BLegSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Legal Studies Honours (BLegSt(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Literature and Communication (BLitComm) | Historical |
Bachelor of Marine Science (BMarineSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Marketing and the Media (BMktMedia) | Historical |
Bachelor of Marketing and the Media Honours (BMktMedia(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Mass Communication (BMassComm) | Historical |
Bachelor of Mass Communication Honours (BMassComm(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Media (BMedia) | Historical |
Bachelor of Media Honours (BMedia(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Media Production (BMediaProd) | Historical |
Bachelor of Multimedia (BMmedia) | Historical |
Bachelor of Multimedia Honours (BMmedia(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) | Current |
Bachelor of Nursing Conversion (BNursConv) | Historical |
Bachelor of Nursing Honours (BNurs(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) | Historical |
Bachelor of Pharmacy Honours (BPharm(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Planning (BPlanning) | Historical |
Bachelor of Policy Studies (BPolSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Policy Studies Honours (BPolSt(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Professional Studies (BProfSt) | Historical |
Bachelor of Professional Studies Honours (BProfSt(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Psychology (BPsych) | Current |
Bachelor of Psychology Honours (BPsych(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Science (BSc) | Current |
Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine (BSc/BLabMed) | Historical |
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (BSportExSc) | Current |
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Honours (BSportExSc(Hons)) | Current |
Bachelor of Sports Science (BSportSc) | Historical |
Bachelor of Sports Science Honours (BSportSc(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Sustainability (BSust) | Historical |
Bachelor of Technology (BTech) | Historical |
Bachelor of Theology (BTheol) | Historical |
Bachelor of Theology Honours (BTheol(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Tourism (BTour) | Historical |
Bachelor of Tourism Honours (BTour(Hons)) | Historical |
Bachelor of Tourism in Applied Events Management (BTourAppEvents) | Historical |
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMSurg) | Historical |
Bachelor of Women's Studies (BWomSt) | Historical |
Certificate for the Teachers of Maths and Computing (CertMathComp) | Historical |
Certificate for the Teaching of Science (CertScTeach) | Historical |
Certificate in Mathematics and Computing (CertMathComp) | Historical |
Certificate in Maths, Science and Technology (CertMathScTech) | Historical |
Certificate in Science (CertSc) | Historical |
Certificate of Honours (CertHons) | Historical |
Diploma in Accounting (DipAcc) | Historical |
Diploma in Applicable Mathematics (DipAppMath) | Historical |
Diploma in Community Science (DipCtySc) | Historical |
Diploma in Computer Studies (DipCompSt) | Historical |
Diploma in Education (DipEd) | Historical |
Diploma in Education Studies (DipEdSt) | Historical |
Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment (DipEnvImpAsst) | Historical |
Diploma in Environmental Science (DipEnvSc) | Historical |
Diploma in Mineral Science (DipMinSc) | Historical |
Diploma in Mineral Science Honours (DipMinSc(Hons)) | Historical |
Diploma in University Studies (DipUniSt) | Historical |
Diploma of Business (DipBus) | Current |
Diploma of Communication (DipComm) | Current |
Diploma of Information Technology (DipIT) | Current |
Diploma of Psychological Studies (DipPsychSt) | Current |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) | Current |
Doctor of Education (EdD) | Current |
Doctor of Human Resource Management (DHRM) | Historical |
Doctor of Information Technology (DIT) | Current |
Doctor of Literature (DLit) | Current |
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | Current |
Doctor of Psychology (DPsych) | Current |
Doctor of Science (DSc) | Current |
Doctor of Veterinary Medical Science (DVMedSc) | Current |
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) | Current |
Doctor of Veterinary Science (DVSc) | Current |
Executive Master in Leadership, Strategy and Innovation (ExecMLeadStratInnov) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Applied Economics (GradCertAppEcon) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Applied Language Education (GradCertAppLangEd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Applied Sociology (GradCertAppSociol) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics (GradCertAppStats) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Asian Language (GradCertAsianLang) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies (GradCertAsianSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice (GradCertAusMigLaw) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Business (GradCertBus) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (GradCertBusAdmin) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics (GradCertBusAnalyt) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Business Studies (GradCertBusSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Chinese Law (GradCertChinLaw) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Community Development (GradCertCtyDev) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Community Neurological Nursing (GradCertCtyNeurNurs) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Counselling (GradCertCouns) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Creative Arts (GradCertCrArts) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Criminology (GradCertCrim) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Design Thinking (GradCertDesThink) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Development Studies (GradCertDevSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution (GradCertDispResn) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Drama Teaching (GradCertDramaTeach) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (GradCertECCare&Ed) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education (GradCertECEd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (GradCertECEd&Care) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Ecologically Sustainable Development (GradCertEcolSustDev) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Economics (GradCertEcon) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Education (GradCertEd) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Education (International Education) (GradCertEd(IntEd)) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Education (Introduction to Teaching) (GradCertEd(IntroTeach)) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Education (Secondary Mathematics 7-10) (GradCertEd(SecMath)) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Education (Secondary Science 7-10) (GradCertEd(SecSc)) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Education Studies (GradCertEdSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Energy and Carbon Studies (GradCertEnCarbSt) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Energy Studies (GradCertEnSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment and Management (GradCertEnvAsstMgt) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Science (GradCertEnvSc) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Ethics (GradCertEthics) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Food Security (GradCertFoodSec) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science (Professional Practice) (GradCertForSc(ProfPrac)) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education (GradCertGiftTalEd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (GradCertHlthAdminPolLead) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Health Care Management (GradCertHlthCareMgt) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Health Policy and Leadership (GradCertHlthPolLead) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Health, Safety and Environment (GradCertHlthSafeEnv) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (GradCertHRM) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Human Resources and Safety (GradCertHRSafe) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management (GradCertHRM) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education (GradCertInclusiveEd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Industrial Property (GradCertIndProp) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (GradCertIT) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in International Education in Schools (GradCertIntEd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in International Marketing (GradCertIntMkt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Law (GradCertLaw) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice (GradCertLegPrac) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Legal Studies (GradCertLegSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Teaching (GradCertMathTeach) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Media Production (GradCertMediaProd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Negotiation (GradCertNeg) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in One Health (GradCertOneHlth) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Organisational Human Resources and Safety (GradCertOrgHRSafe) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Entry (GradCertPharmEnt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Philosophy (GradCertPhil) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Physics (GradCertPhysics) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Plant Biosecurity (GradCertPlantBiosec) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Policy and Development (GradCertPolDev) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Policy Studies (GradCertPolSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Politics, Policy and Global Business (GradCertPPolGlobBus) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Professional Writing (GradCertProfWrit) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Project Management (GradCertProjMgt) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Protected Area Administration (GradCertProtAreaAdmin) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (GradCertPubAdmin) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy and Management (GradCertPubPolMgt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Radio Journalism (GradCertRadioJourn) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Religion (GradCertRel) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Research Application (GradCertResApp) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Road Safety Studies (GradCertRoadSafeSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Science Teaching (GradCertScTeach) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Security, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies (GradCertSecTerrSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Services Management (GradCertServMgt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Special Needs Education (GradCertSpecNeedsEd) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Development (GradCertSustDev) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Systems Medicine (GradCertSysMed) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Tertiary and Adult Education (GradCertTerAdEd) | Current |
Graduate Certificate in Theology (GradCertTheol) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Transport Studies (GradCertTransSt) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice (GradCertVStSmAnimPrac) | Historical |
Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice (International) (GradCertVStSmAnimPrac(Int)) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Accounting (GradDipAcc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Applicable Mathematics (GradDipAppMath) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Applied Economics (GradDipAppEcon) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Applied Language Education (GradDipAppLangEd) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics (GradDipAppStats) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (GradDipAIDataSc) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Asian Language (In-Country) (GradDipAsianLang) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Asian Language Education (GradDipAsianLangEd) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies (GradDipAsianSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Australian Migration Law and Practice (GradDipAusMigLaw) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (GradDipBusAdmin) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Business Information Technology (GradDipBusIT) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Chaplaincy (GradDipChap) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Physiology (GradDipClinExPhys) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Community Development (GradDipCtyDev) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Computer Studies (GradDipCompSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Consultancy Psychology (GradDipConsultPsych) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Counselling (GradDipCouns) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (GradDipCrArts) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapies (GradDipCrArtsTher) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Criminology (GradDipCrim) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security and Networking (GradDipCybSecNet) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Data Science (GradDipDataSc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Design Thinking and Service Innovation (GradDipDesThink&ServInnov) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Development Studies (GradDipDevSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (GradDipECCare&Ed) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (GradDipECEd&Care) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Education (GradDipEd) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education and Care) (GradDipEd(ECEdCare)) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Education Studies (GradDipEdSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Energy and Carbon Studies (GradDipEnCarbSt) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Energy and the Environment (GradDipEnEnv) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Energy Studies (GradDipEnSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (GradDipEng) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science (GradDipEnvSc) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Extractive Metallurgy (GradDipExtMet) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Food Security (GradDipFoodSec) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (Professional Practice) (GradDipForSc(ProfPrac)) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Games and Apps Production (GradDipGamesAppsProd) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Health Communication (GradDipHlthComm) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Health, Safety and Environment (GradDipHlthSafeEnv) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (GradDipHRM) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management (GradDipHRM) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Information Systems (GradDipInfSys) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (GradDipIT) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management (GradDipITMgt) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Internetworking and Security (GradDipIntnetSec) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Journalism (GradDipJourn) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Knowledge Management (GradDipKnowlMgt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics (GradDipMathStats) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Media Management (GradDipMediaMgt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Media Production (GradDipMediaProd) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Mineral Science (GradDipMinSc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Nanoscience (GradDipNano) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Health Science (GradDipPharmHlthSc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Entry (GradDipPharmEnt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Physics (GradDipPhysics) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Plant Biosecurity (GradDipPlantBiosec) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (GradDipProfAcc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Psychology (GradDipPsych) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy (GradDipPubPol) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Road Safety Studies (GradDipRoadSafeSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Safety Science (GradDipSafeSc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Science, Technology and Society (GradDipScTechSoc) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development (GradDipSustDev) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Systems Medicine (GradDipSysMed) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies (GradDipTheolSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Theology (GradDipTheol) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Tourism (GradDipTour) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Transport Studies (GradDipTransSt) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Water Treatment and Desalination (GradDipWatTreat) | Historical |
Graduate Diploma in Web Communication (GradDipWebComm) | Current |
Graduate Diploma in Women's Studies (GradDipWomSt) | Historical |
International Postgraduate Certificate in Small Animal Practice (PgCertSmAnimPrac) | Historical |
Juris Doctor (JD) | Historical |
Master of Aboriginal and Islander Studies (Research) (MAboriginalIsSt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Aboriginal Policy Studies (Research) (MAboriginalPolSt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Advanced Nursing (MAdvNurs) | Historical |
Master of Agricultural Biotechnology (MAgBiotech) | Historical |
Master of Applied Ecology (Research) (MAppEcol(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Applied Psychology (MAppPsych) | Current |
Master of Applied Psychology (Professional) (MAppPsych(Prof)) | Current |
Master of Arts (MA) | Historical |
Master of Asian Studies (MAsianSt) | Current |
Master of Asian Sustainable Development (MAsianSustDev) | Historical |
Master of Bioinformatics (Research) (MBioinf(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Biological Research (MBiolRes) | Historical |
Master of Biological Sciences (Research) (MBiolSc(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Biosecurity (MBiosec) | Current |
Master of Biotechnology (Research) (MBiotech(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Business (MBus) | Current |
Master of Business Administration (MBA) | Current |
Master of Business Administration (Global) (MBA(Glob)) | Current |
Master of Business Administration in Aviation Management (MBAAvnMgt) | Historical |
Master of Business Administration in Health Services Management (Nursing Leadership) (MBAHlthServMgt(NursLead)) | Historical |
Master of Business Administration in International Business (MBAIntBus) | Historical |
Master of Business Administration Professional Practice (MBA) | Historical |
Master of Business Journalism (MBusJourn) | Historical |
Master of Chaplaincy (MChap) | Historical |
Master of Chemistry (Research) (MChem(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Chinese Studies (Research) (MChinSt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of City Policy (MCityPol) | Historical |
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (MClinExPhys) | Current |
Master of Clinical Pathology (MClinPath) | Historical |
Master of Clinical Sciences (MClinSci) | Historical |
Master of Commerce (Research) (MCom(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Communication (MComm) | Current |
Master of Communication Management (MCommMgt) | Historical |
Master of Communication Studies (MCommSt) | Historical |
Master of Communication Studies (Research) (MCommSt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Community Development (MCtyDev) | Current |
Master of Community Engagement and Development (Research) (MCtyEngage&Dev(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Computer Science (MCompSc) | Historical |
Master of Counselling (MCouns) | Current |
Master of Counselling (Research) (MCouns(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Creative Arts Therapies (MCrArtsTher) | Current |
Master of Criminology (MCrim) | Current |
Master of Development Policy (MDevPol) | Historical |
Master of Development Studies (MDevSt) | Current |
Master of Digital Communication (Research) (MDigComm(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Divinity (MDiv) | Historical |
Master of Documentary Production (MDocProd) | Historical |
Master of Ecological Education (MEcolEd) | Historical |
Master of Economics (Research) (MEcon(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Education (MEd) | Current |
Master of Education (Preliminary) (MEd(Prelim)) | Historical |
Master of Education (Research) (MEd(Res)) | Current |
Master of Education Honours (MEd(Hons)) | Current |
Master of Education Studies (MEdSt) | Historical |
Master of Electronic Business (MEBus) | Historical |
Master of Electronic Commerce (MECom) | Historical |
Master of Energy Studies (Research) (MEnSt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Engineering (MEng) | Historical |
Master of Engineering (Research) (MEng(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc) | Historical |
Master of English (MEngl) | Historical |
Master of English and Comparative Literature (MEngl&ComparLit) | Historical |
Master of English and Creative Arts (MEngl&CrArts) | Historical |
Master of Environmental Anthropology (MEnvAnth) | Historical |
Master of Environmental Education for Sustainability (MEnvEdSust) | Historical |
Master of Environmental Management (MEnvMgt) | Historical |
Master of Environmental Science (MEnvSc) | Current |
Master of Environmental Science (Research) (MEnvSc(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Equine Surgery (MEqSurg) | Historical |
Master of Exercise Science (Research) (MExSc(Res)) | Current |
Master of Film Making (MFilm) | Historical |
Master of Finance (Research) (MFin(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Fisheries Science (MFishSc) | Historical |
Master of Food Security (MFoodSec) | Current |
Master of Forensic Science (Professional Practice and Research) (MForSc(ProfPrac&Res)) | Current |
Master of Forensic Science (Professional Practice) (MForSc(ProfPrac)) | Current |
Master of Health (Research) (MHlth(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Health Administration, Policy and Leadership (MHlthAdminPolLead) | Current |
Master of Health Care Management (MHlthCareMgt) | Current |
Master of Health Management, Quality and Leadership (MHlthMgtQualLead) | Historical |
Master of Health Policy and Leadership (MHlthPolLead) | Historical |
Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) | Historical |
Master of Human Resources (MHR) | Historical |
Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM) | Current |
Master of Information Security (MInfSec) | Historical |
Master of Information Technology (MIT) | Current |
Master of International Affairs (MIntAff) | Historical |
Master of International Affairs and Security (MIntAffSec) | Current |
Master of International Business (MIntBus) | Historical |
Master of Journalism (MJourn) | Historical |
Master of Knowledge Management (MKnowlMgt) | Historical |
Master of Laws (LLM) | Historical |
Master of Laws (Research) (LLM(Res)) | Current |
Master of Marine Conservation And Management (Research) (MMarineCons&Mgt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Marine Science (MMarineSc) | Historical |
Master of Marine Science (Research) (MMarineSc(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Mathematics (Research) (MMath(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Media Management (MMediaMgt) | Historical |
Master of Media Management (China) (MMediaMgt) | Current |
Master of Media Studies (MMediaSt) | Historical |
Master of Medical Engineering (MMedEng) | Historical |
Master of Midwifery (MMid) | Historical |
Master of Midwifery Research (MMid(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Mineral Science (Research) (MMinSc(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Ministry (MMin) | Historical |
Master of Natural Systems Engineering (MNatSysEng) | Historical |
Master of Network Management and Security (MNetMgtSec) | Historical |
Master of Nursing (MNurs) | Historical |
Master of Nursing (Research) (MNurs(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) | Historical |
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) | Current |
Master of Physics (Research) (MPhysics(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Plant Biosecurity (MPlantBiosec) | Historical |
Master of Policy Studies (MPolSt) | Historical |
Master of Practical Theology (MPracTheol) | Historical |
Master of Professional Accounting (MProfAcc) | Current |
Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) (MProfAcc(Adv)) | Current |
Master of Protected Area Management (MProtAreaMgt) | Historical |
Master of Public Policy and Management (MPubPolMgt) | Current |
Master of Public Relations (MPR) | Historical |
Master of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (MRenSustEn) | Current |
Master of Renewable Energy (MRenEn) | Historical |
Master of Science (MSc) | Historical |
Master of Science and Technology Policy (MSc&TechPol) | Historical |
Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT) | Current |
Master of Screen Production (MScreenProd) | Historical |
Master of Screen Studies (MScreenSt) | Historical |
Master of Screen Studies (Research) (MScreenSt(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Small Animal Internal Medicine (Research) (MSmAnimIntlMed(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Social Psychology (MSocPsych) | Historical |
Master of Sociology (MSociol) | Historical |
Master of Sports Science (MSportSc) | Historical |
Master of Sustainability (MSust) | Historical |
Master of Sustainability and Social Change (MSust&SocChange) | Historical |
Master of Sustainability and Technology Policy (MSust&TechPol) | Historical |
Master of Sustainable Development (MSustDev) | Current |
Master of Sustainable Development (Research) (MSustDev(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Systems Medicine (Research) (MSysMed(Res)) | Current |
Master of Teaching (Primary) (MTeach(Prim)) | Current |
Master of Teaching (Secondary) (MTeach(Sec)) | Current |
Master of Theatre and Drama (Research) (MTheatre&Drama(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Theological Studies (MTheolSt) | Historical |
Master of Theology (MTheol) | Historical |
Master of Theology Honours (MTheol(Hons)) | Current |
Master of Tourism (Research) (MTour(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Transport Studies (MTransSt) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Anaesthesia (MVAnaesth) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Anaesthesia (Research) (MVAnaesth(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Biology (MVBiol) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (MVClinPath) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies (MVClinSt) | Current |
Master of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (MVEmergCritCare) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (Research) (MVEmergCritCare(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Epidemiology (MVEpi) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Internal Medicine (MVIntlMed) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Medical Science (MVMedSc) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Medicine (MVM) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Oncology (MVOnc) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Pathology (MVPath) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Science (Research) (MVSc(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Studies (MVSt) | Current |
Master of Veterinary Surgery (MVSurg) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Surgery (Research) (MVSurg(Res)) | Historical |
Master of Veterinary Virology (MVVirol) | Historical |
Master of Water Treatment and Desalination (MWatTreat) | Historical |
Master of Wildlife Health and Conservation (MWildHlthCons) | Current |
Master of Women's Studies (Research) (MWomSt(Res)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Agricultural Biotechnolgy (PgCertAgBiotech) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Molecular Biology Techniques (PgCertAppMolBiol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Asian Studies (PgCertAsianSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Asian Sustainable Development (PgCertAsianSustDev) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Aviation Management (PgCertAvnMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration (PgCertBusAdmin) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Chinese Law (PgCertChinLaw) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in City Policy (PgCertCityPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Community Development (PgCertCtyDev) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Community Neurological Nursing (PGCertCtyNeurNurs) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Construction Law (PgCertConstLaw) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling (PgCertCouns) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Criminal Investigations (Commercial Crime) (PgCertCrimInv(ComCrime)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Public Health (PgCertEcolPubHlth) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Ecologically Sustainable Development (PgCertEcolSustDev) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Economics (PgCertEcon) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PgCertEd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Business (PgCertEBus) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Commerce (PgCertECom) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Employee Relations Management (PgCertERM) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Energy Policy (PgCertEnPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Energy Studies (PgCertEnSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Energy Systems (PgCertEnSys) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment and Management (PgCertEnvAsstMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment (PgCertEnvImpAsst) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Management (PgCertEnvMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Management (PgCertFinMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Forensic Science (Courtroom Practice) (PgCertForSc(CourtPrac)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education (PgCertGiftTalEd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Management, Quality and Leadership (PgCertHlthMgtQualLead) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Health, Safety and Environment (PgCertHlthSafeEnv) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (PgCertHRM) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Inclusive Education (PgCertInclusiveEd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology (PgCertIT) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in International Education in Schools (PgCertIntEd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Journalism (PgCertJourn) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Knowledge Management (PgCertKnowlMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Media Production (PgCertMediaProd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Molecular Plant Breeding and Crop Protection (PgCertMolPlantBrd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation (PgCertNeurRehab) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Organisational Human Resources and Safety (PgCertOrgHRSafe) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy Entry (PgCertPharmEnt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Policy Studies (PgCertPolSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology Teaching (PgCertPsychTeach) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Policy (PgCertPubPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Relations (PgCertPR) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy (PgCertSc&TechPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Security Studies (PgCertSecSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Security, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies (PgCertSecTerrSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Small Animal Practice (International) (PgCertSmAnimPrac(Int)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainability (PgCertSust) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Telecommunications Management (PgCertTelMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Conservation Medicine (PgCertVConsMed) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies in Conservation Medicine (PgCertVStConsMed) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice (PgCertVStSmAnimPrac) | Historical |
Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice (International) (PgCertVStSmAnimPrac(Int)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Mental Health Nursing (PgDipAdvMentHlthNurs) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing (PgDipAdvNurs) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Biotechnology (PgDipAgBiotech) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Molecular Biology Techniques (PgDipAppMolBiol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (PgDipA) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Studies (PgDipAsianSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Sustainable Development (PgDipAsianSustDev) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PgDipBusAdmin) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in City Policy (PgDipCityPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Development (PgDipCtyDev) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Consultancy Psychology (PgDipConsultPsych) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling (PgDipCouns) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies (PgDipDevSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Ecological Public Health (PgDipEcolPubHlth) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Ecologically Sustainable Development (PgDipEcolSustDev) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (PgDipEcon) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Computing (PgDipEdComp) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Business (PgDipEBus) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Commerce (PgDipECom) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Employee Relations Management (PgDipERM) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Energy and the Environment (PgDipEnEnv) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Energy Studies (PgDipEnSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Assessment and Management (PgDipEnvAsstMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Forensics (PgDipEnvFor) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment (PgDipEnvImpAsst) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management (PgDipEnvMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Extractive Metallurgy (PgDipExtMet) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Science (Courtroom Practice) (PgDipForSc(CourtPrac)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Games Technology (PgDipGamesTech) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management, Quality and Leadership (PgDipHlthMgtQualLead) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Health, Safety and Environment (PgDipHlthSafeEnv) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Horticultural Science (PgDipHortSc) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PgDipHRM) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (PgDipIT) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Management (PgDipITMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Internetworking and Security (PgDipIntnetSec) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism (PgDipJourn) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Knowledge Management (PgDipKnowlMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Media Production (PgDipMediaProd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (PgDipMentHlthNurs) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (Registration) (PgDipMentHlthNurs(Reg)) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (PgDipMid) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular Plant Breeding and Crop Protection (PgDipMolPlantBrd) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation (PgDipNeurRehab) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Health Science (PgDipPharmHlthSc) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmacy Entry (PgDipPharmEnt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Physics (PgDipPhysics) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Studies (PgDipPolSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (PgDipProfAcc) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Experience (PgDipProfExp) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (PgDipPsych) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Public History (PgDipPubHist) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management (PgDipPubMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy (PgDipPubPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations (PgDipPR) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in School Management (PgDipSchoolMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology Policy (PgDipSc&TechPol) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Security Studies (PgDipSecSt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Social Research and Evaluation (PgDipSocResEval) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Chiropractic (PgDipSportChiro) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainability (PgDipSust) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Telecommunications Management (PgDipTelMgt) | Historical |
Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism (PgDipTour) | Historical |
Undergraduate Certificate in Information Technology (UgCertIT) | Historical |