Senate members

Gail McGowan

Ms Gail McGowan PSM


Professor Andrew Deeks

Professor Andrew Deeks

Vice Chancellor

Jon Prince

Associate Professor Jon Prince

Elected by academic staff

Louise Pallant

Ms Louise Pallant

Elected by professional staff

Jane Hodgson

Ms Jane Hodgson

Elected by undergraduate students

Tshering Gyetshen

Mr Tshering Gyeltshen

Elected by postgraduate students

Roland Belford

Mr Roland Belford

Elected by graduates of the University

Placeholder headshot

Mr Jethro Schoeman

Elected by graduates of the University

Steven Dobson

Mr Steven Dobson

Appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister

Robyn Smith-Walley

Ms Robyn Smith-Walley OAM

Appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister

Placeholder headshot

Professor Krishna Sen

Appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister

Placeholder headshot

Mr Stephen Carre OAM

Co-opted by Senate

Ross Hughes

Mr Ross Hughes

Co-opted by Senate

Emeritus Professor Robyn Owens

Emeritus Professor Robyn Owens AM

Deputy Chancellor / Co-opted by Senate

Stephanie Unwin

Ms Stephanie Unwin

Co-opted by Senate

Barry Winmar

Barry Winmar

Co-opted by Senate

Garth Maker

Associate Professor Garth Maker

President of Academic Council

Secretary to Senate

Trudi McGlade
University Secretary


Good governance promotes better performance

Our Senate Charter sets out the guiding governance principles and practices that should be upheld at all times, as well as bringing together the policies and procedures that the Senate adopts and which form part of best practice governance.

All of Murdoch’s stakeholders are entitled to demand performance, fairness, transparency, accountability and appropriate disclosure from the Senate. This dictates that a comprehensive professional focus on effective governance must take high priority.

Governance offers a framework for approving the Strategic Plan of the institution, the oversight of its resources, the approval of its policies and procedures, the appointment, review and support of its Vice Chancellor, and an informed understanding of its programs and activities.

As part of our ongoing commitment to improving Murdoch's governance standards, the Senate has adopted this Statement of Governance Principles.

University Chancellors Council

Murdoch University is a participant in the University Chancellors Council (UCC). The UCC comprises Chancellors of all public, not-for-profit universities within Australia. The UCC is used as a means for university Chancellors to discuss key issues and current events surrounding the tertiary education sector in Australia.


2025 Meeting dates2025 Document deadlines
Tuesday 11 MarchTuesday 25 February
Tuesday 13 MayTuesday 29 April
Tuesday 22 JulyTuesday 8 July
Tuesday 9 SeptemberTuesday 26 August
Tuesday 28 OctoberTuesday 14 October
Tuesday 9 DecemberTuesday 25 November



Contact us

University Secretary’s Office

Chancellery Building
90 South Street,
Murdoch, Western Australia 6150
Get directions

Phone: +61 8 9360 6544

Fax: +61 8 9360 6847
