Douglas Social Credit Movement of Western Australia Collection
The Douglas Social Credit Movement was an interdisciplinary distributive philosophy of monetary theories developed by Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, gaining popularity in Australia during the 1930’s. The collection consists of papers, correspondence (including some from Sir Walter Murdoch), newspaper clippings and notes relating to this organisation.
[Identification of item], Douglas Social Credit Movement of Western Australia Collection, QB 9, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Christabel Chamarette Collection
Christabel Chamarette is a political activist and was a Greens (WA) Senator from 1992 to 1996. The collection consists of papers, books, political posters, newspaper clippings, various publications and ephemera gathered during Christabel’s term as Greens (WA) Senator.
Image of Christabel Chamarette: CC BY-SA 2.5 au
[Identification of item], Christabel Chamarette Collection, QB 42, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Diana Warnock Collection
Diana Warnock OAM is a former Western Australian radio broadcaster, women’s rights activist and state politician. She was a member of the WA Legislative Assembly from 1993 to 2001. The collection consists of correspondence and various papers relating to Diana’s political career and activism.
Image of Diana Warnock: © Parliament of Western Australia[Identification of item], Diana Warnock Collection, QB 41, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Political Pamphlet Collection
The collection consists of approximately 2,000 A5 sized pamphlets published from the early 1900's to the 1970's, covering Communism (Marxism/Leninism), Fascism, the Vietnam War, the anti-nuclear movement, trade unionism, the Australian Labor Party and the Australian Liberal Party.
[Identification of item], Political Pamphlet Collection, QB 54, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Roger K. Paget Collection
Roger K. Paget was an Emeritus Professor of Political Economy and Asian Studies at Lewis & Clark College (Portland, Oregon). Since the 1950’s, Roger has made Indonesia the focus of his career. The collection consists of monographs on various aspects of the Netherlands Indies such as the colonial history, economic development, adat or customary law and the colonial legal system. The works date from the 1800’s to the 1950’s and are written in Dutch, English, German, French and Indonesian.
Fragile items and those not individually catalogued are housed in a boxed collection with call number QB 14 and a box and Paget number. Complete the call number section of the request form with these details. For example, QB 14 Box 1 PAGET/11. All other items in the collection are individually catalogued, with call number QX, QY, or QZ and Paget number. Complete the call number section of the request form with these details. For example, QX PAGET 100. Items which have been individually catalogued, including supplementary material, can be retrieved by call number search: QB 14 BOX.
[Identification of item], Roger Paget Collection, QB 14, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Jennifer Searcy Death and Coronial Law Collection
Jennifer Searcy OAM (1933-2021) was a mathematician and Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University. The death of her son Nicholas in police custody in 1987 led Jennifer to start the Campaign for Prevention of Custodial Death. This campaign contributed to the establishment of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Jennifer devoted a large part of her life to advocate for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who died during police actions and in police custody. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, coronial inquests, post mortem reports, submissions, government reports, correspondence, serials and photographs.
[Identification of item], Jennifer Searcy Death and Coronial Law Collection, QB 62, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Robert Holmes à Court Collection
The Robert Holmes à Court Collection consists of monographs and law reports, capturing a snapshot of materials a practicing lawyer working in the 1960’s to 1980’s held in their office.
[Identification of item], Robert Holmes à Court Collection, QH, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.