Discover our Special Collections

The Special Collections of Murdoch University comprise a rich, diverse and unique range of books, manuscripts, serials, photographs, audio & video recordings, ephemera and objects. Our collections support the academic work of the University and the wider scholarly community.

About Special Collections


Access our stored collections


Selected items or collections are held in a closed area. Please note that access to Special Collections will be closed from Monday 19th February, 2024, reopening on Wednesday 1st May, 2024. During this time requests for specific items can still be made via the In Store – Special Collection Item Request form

Bookings for the WestPride Collection can still be made for Thursdays between 1-4pm. All other times are unavailable for access to this collection. Please email to make a booking. Thank you for your cooperation. 




Special Collection categories


New additions and featured finds

Books on a shelf in the special collections area

Donate your own work

Do you have a published or unpublished piece of your own work you’d like to donate? We are happy to accept items that enhance our special collections.

Donate to Special Collections



Get in touch with the Special Collections team

Do you have a question or enquiry about our Special Collections?

Send us an enquiry