Return your items by the due date to avoid overdue fines or replacement charges. Keep track of your fines and charges via My Library or make payments online.

Make a payment

Overdue fines

The Library charges overdue fines for items:  

Overdue fines are added to your Library account if you don’t return items by the due date.

Type of loanFine rateMaximum fine amount
High Demand collection
(two-hour and three-hour loans)
$3 per hour$60 per item
Three-day High Demand collection loans
(Mandurah Campus Library only)
$15 per day$60 per item
Recalled loans$3 per day  
from the updated due date
$60 per item
Document Delivery loans$3 per day$60 per item
Laptop loans$3 per day$60 per item

All other items can be renewed up to five times before you receive a replacement charge.

Replacement charges  

If you don't return an item, or you lose or damage an item, we will charge you for the cost of replacement.

If you return an overdue item, we'll waive the replacement charge although overdue fines may still be applied. To report a lost or damaged item, contact the Library.

If you join as a reciprocal borrower at another institution and do not return your loans, we will send you a replacement charge on behalf of the other institution. 

Your borrowing privileges

We will suspend your borrowing privileges if you have $60 or more in overdue fines. This means you will not be able to borrow, renew or request books from our print collections. To regain your borrowing privileges, you must make payment so that your overdue fine balance is less than $60.

If your overdue fines are under $60 at the end of December, we’ll waive those fines to give you a fresh start for the next year.

If you have a replacement charge of any amount, your borrowing privileges will be suspended. Additionally, an encumbrance will be placed on your university enrolment. This means you will not be able to:  

  • access your assessment and examination results,
  • borrow, renew or request library items.

We’ll lift the encumbrance and restore your borrowing privileges when you pay the replacement charges or return the item.