Make sure you consider the options and support available to you before you decide to change to a different university.

The way you can change to an alternative education provider depends on your student type and length of study.

You can withdraw from Murdoch without requesting a letter of release if:

  • you are not a student visa holder
  • you are a student visa holder but commenced your principle course at Murdoch University more than six months ago.

You will need to request a Letter of Release if:

  • you are a student visa holder within the first six months of your principle Murdoch course.

International student Release request

As a student visa holder wanting to change to another education provider within the first six months of your Murdoch course, you must request a Letter of Release. You must stay enrolled and attend classes in your current course until a decision is made.

You need to submit the following documents:

International student release request form (pdf) 419 KB

  • an offer letter from the new education provider you wish to transfer to
  • if you are seeking a release on medical grounds, a completed

Medical Impact Statement Form (pdf) 506 KB

  • and any supporting documentation (letters from support services, etc).

Electronically completed forms and supporting documentation should then be submitted to

As a part of the release process, you will need to meet with a Student Success Specialist (once the release request is submitted a specialist will contact you to organise an exit interview).

You will receive an outcome to this request within 10 working days after the exit interview with a Student Success Specialist, constituting a complete release application.

If you are enrolled at one of our Package Providers, you are not required to complete an exit interview. You will receive an outcome within 10 working days of submitting your complete application.

Release requests and the associated Murdoch processes are at no cost. If you are under the age of 18 at the time of request for release, your parent or legal guardian must provide support for the transfer in writing.

If your request is approved, Murdoch will process the Release and advise you via email of the outcome. As a condition of your student visa you need to contact Department of Home Affairs to advise your change in education provider and check whether you need a new student visa.

If your request is denied you will receive a written response outlining the reasons for refusal.

  • Murdoch is unable to provide the course or a suitable alternative as stated in your enrolment
  • You have documented support from a Student Success or Student Engagement Advisor that changing courses is in your best interests
  • You do not meet the entry requirements of your principal course (after completing the offered packaged pathway program)
  • You are not achieving satisfactory course progress at the level you are studying, even after working through a formal or mandatory intervention strategy
  • You have been endorsed by a Murdoch Careers Advisor that changing to a course not offered at Murdoch aligns better to your career or educational aspirations
  • Your government sponsor or legal guardian provides written approval that the transfer is in your best interests
  • On compassionate or compelling circumstances such as:
    • a recent traumatic experience
    • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents. (Where possible a death certificate should be provided).
    • other reasons which Murdoch has deemed are beyond your control and have a negative impact on your course progress or wellbeing.
  • You have documented and reasonable evidence that your expectations of your current course are not being met
  • You are misled by Murdoch University or an education or migration agent regarding Murdoch University or the course and the course is therefore not suitable to your needs and\or study objectives
  • Through an appeal (internal or external) on another matter you have received the decision or recommendation to be released
  • you do not have a valid offer letter from another CRICOS provider
  • you have not made a genuine attempt to access Murdoch support services
  • claims of financial hardship or transferring to a provider with lower tuition fees
  • you have an outstanding debt with Murdoch University
  • where Murdoch assesses you are not a genuine student due to deliberately manipulating the student visa system
  • written approval has not been provided if you are government sponsored or under 18
  • you have “changed your mind” about being in Perth and / or studying at Murdoch
  • transferring to a new course is assessed by Murdoch as not being in your best interests
  • transferring may jeopardise your progression through a package of courses
  • transferring is considered detrimental, including where the transfer does not represent a clear educational progression to a higher-level program in your academic discipline
  • you are changing to a new course that is also offered at Murdoch University
  • the offer letter from another CRICOS provider is for a degree at a lower level program (i.e. it is for a trade qualification)

Reconsideration of a decision made

You have the right to request reconsideration of the decision made. To do this, you will need to submit your request to the Pro Vice Chancellor International, Kelly Smith at

Reasons to request an appeal

Disagreeing with the decision is not enough to warrant a request for reconsideration. For an appeal to be considered you will need to establish and outline at least one of the following as the basis for your appeal:

Provide detail of this new evidence and outline how this supports a request for release against the Guidelines.
Identify and describe how the Guideline(s) were breached and how this disadvantaged you. You can also include supporting documentation or evidence such as a copy of the decision made and an outline of how this would have altered the decision.

In preparing your petition you may wish to contact one of the following for advice and assistance.

Undergraduate and Honours students
Murdoch Guild Student Assist
Email us
Call us +61 8 9360 2999

Malena Symmons
Murdoch Guild International Student Assist Officer
Email us
Call us +61 8 9360 6419
Postgraduate studentsMark Tan
Murdoch Guild Postgraduate Student Assist Officer
Email us
Call us +61 8 9360 6585
Students requiring welfare assistanceHazel Mangazva
Murdoch Guild Welfare Assist Officer
Email us
Call us +61 8 9360 6583

Get advice

You can get specific advice regarding your enrolment during Orientation Week.

If you can’t attend your orientation session, you can seek help from myMurdoch Advice student success advisors, or by contacting your academic chair.

Support services

These services are available to assist you with any concerns:

Equity and Social Inclusion Office

Campus location

Opening hours
Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:30pm

Call us:
 +61 8 9360 6084

Email us:

Find us on Facebook:
Murdoch Equity and Social Inclusion