What’s it really like to be a chemist, a theatre and drama teacher or a forensic toxicologist? The Murdoch University Outreach team sets out to answer these questions in our new Murdoch Minds podcast limited series.

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In each episode, you’ll hear from free thinking academics as we explore their career paths, current research projects and more, including the important choices they made along the way and advice for those looking to follow in their footsteps. You’ll also hear about how university life has adjusted to “COVID-normal” during 2020.

Episode 1: Snails, forensics and why "Jaws" is the best movie everDr Garth Maker, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, discusses his pathway into forensic toxicology, going from the biology of molluscs to the chemistry of herbal medicines.
Episode 2: Shaping the message – social media's role in communicatingDr Catherine Archer, Chair of Strategic Communication and Lecturer in Public Relations, talks about the importance of communications for businesses as well as your own personal brand and the benefits and pitfalls of social media.
Episode 3: Finding the right chemistry at workDr Kate Rowen, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, speaks about going back to university to change career, and her adventures as a chemist in industry and government.
Episode 4: Sharing history through theatre – and theatre through historyDr Melissa Merchant, Lecturer in English and Theatre, shares stories of how theatre and theatre history give us valuable insight into our past and current culture.
Episode 5: Protecting our most precious resource, waterProfessor Wendell Ela talks about his long journey from fisherman to Professor of Desalination and Water Treatment, and the importance of protecting our planet’s water.
Episode 6: Taking the lead: opportunity is what you make itDr Vita Akstinaite, Academic Chair for our Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics and Lecturer in Management, shares her world-travelling adventures as a business leader, and the key to making it as a leader yourself.

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For more information, email outreach@murdoch.edu.au.