Students engage in work placements by spending an extended period in the work environment of a host organisation, working on a specified scope of work or project with suitable workplace supervision. They earn academic credit for their course and meet their vocational requirements.

We partner with businesses and community organisations to provide placements which meet the academic needs of the students.

Types of work placements:

  • Internships,
  • Practicums,
  • Clinical placements
  • Teaching experience (Education students)

Some students must complete mandatory placements to meet course accreditation requirements, while others may choose to undertake a placement as an elective. For elective placements, students can apply for available opportunities or self-source them and enrol in a suitable unit.

Technical questions answered

Students in some areas of study can undertake paid work placements. In this scenario, the host organisation provides the student with an employment contract, and the student is covered under the host organisation’s insurance for the duration of their placement.
Suitable organisations can enter into a workplace agreement with Murdoch University, typically for a three year period, specifying the terms and conditions of an unpaid student work placement. The agreement outlines the insurance cover for the student under MU’s insurance policies. There is no obligation to continuously offer placements during agreement period.

Work placements vary between areas of study and accreditation requirements. For your interest or more information on a specific course, visit the Student Handbook.

Host organisations must provide a suitable supervisor for each student who has expertise in their area of study. At the end of the placement, most supervisors will complete an appraisal which will contribute to the student’s assessment.
The Fair Work Ombudsman website provides helpful information around the legal requirements for work placements. This provides different scenarios which help explain unpaid and paid placements as well as some helpful factsheets.

Your concerns regarding the protection of your organisations intellectual property are valid and our agreement covers this. You may consider having the student sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). We are happy to discuss options and advise. 

Placement questions answered

Based on the course requirements for the WIL activity, hosts may select students. This information will be provided before advertising your placement. We will promote your work placement opportunities to eligible students in the WIL Program.

Interested students will apply through our online system, allowing you to review their applications and resumes to arrange interviews.

If you require any specific screenings before the student/s commence (such as Working with Children Check, Police Check etc.) please inform the WIL team and we will include this information for our students.

Once a student accepts a placement, you may need to:

  • Ensure that the student will have a dedicated workstation and necessary resources.
  • Set up any IT and technical equipment the student requires.
  • Provide an induction to your workplace.

As work placements vary in study area and industry, you may need to provide other relevant resources and equipment.

Review the student’s learning goals and evaluation criteria with them.

  • Set up regular meetings to provide feedback.
  • Arrange a meeting with the university representative and the student at least once during the placement.
If things do not proceed as anticipated, we encourage you to contact the student’s academic supervisor immediately to discuss.
  • Provide an evaluation of the student’s performance.
  • Attend a meeting to discuss their work and learning outcomes.
  • Offer feedback to the WIL Team on the process to enhance the partnership and procedures.
Absolutely, you can offer a paid employment to the student during or after their pIacement, subject to certain restrictions, based on the student’s field of study. We encourage you to contact the WIL team for guidance.

How do I become a host organisation?

Register your interest below and fill out the form. A member of our team will reach out to you to discuss next steps.

The process can vary between disciplines, but in general you would be expected to:

  1. Supply a written proposal of the scope of work or project which you anticipate the student completing,
  2. Identify a workplace supervisor who has expertise and experience in the student’s discipline,
  3. Enter into a work placement agreement with Murdoch University, and
  4. Formalise the days and hours the student will complete the placement.


Register your interest