Join us for the Singapore launch of the IPRC 18 June 2024
You are invited to the Singapore launch of Murdoch University’s new Indo-Pacific Research Centre. Read more

Scholarship opportunities
IPRC has 3 scholarship opportunities currently available:

Indonesia Elections Expert Panel Discussion
The Indo-Pacific Research Centre, in partnership with the Australian Institute of International Affairs (WA), presented an expert panel discussion on Indonesia’s 2024 elections. This event brought together experts to discuss the implications, challenges, and potential outcomes of Indonesia's upcoming elections. Featuring keynote speakers Dr Jacqui Baker, Dr Vannessa Hearman and Dr Ian Wilson.

Ma Thida in Conversation with Victoria Laurie - On War and Media Freedom: Burma and Beyond
IPRC in partnership with PEN Perth present Ma Thida in Conversation with Victoria Laurie - On War and Media Freedom: Burma and Beyond. 13 June 2024
This event was held in conjunction with the People, Place and Politics exhibition of contemporary paintings from Myanmar from the Ian Holliday collection. The exhibition is open for viewing on weekdays between 10am-4pm at the Murdoch University Art Gallery from 13 June – 12 July 2024.

Emeritus Vijay Mishra's double book launch
The Indo-Pacific Research Centre, in partnership with the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, hosted a double-book launch of Emeritus Professor Vijay Mishra’s latest works.

IPRC Professor Emeritus James Warren's latest book launch
Launched by the Department of History of the School of Social Sciences and the Ateneo de Manila University Press in Manila 12 March 2024.
Typhoons: Climate, Society, and History in the Philippines
Typhoons offers an unprecedented and extensive view of the complex interplay of typhoons and Philippine society. Its sweeping coverage of the Philippine landscape that includes the earliest contact with the West, the development of the trans-Pacific trade, incursions of the Catholic religion, integration into the modern world system, and the extraordinary influences of centuries of typhoons has made for remarkable scholarship. By placing typhoons and associated hazards at the center of his historical focus, James Francis Warren presents a bold and innovative interpretation of Philippine pasts and futures, whereby the distinctions between natural hazards and natural disasters disappear. He gives a unique and long-term perspective on Philippine environmental and economic-social history through the lens of a recurrent extreme weather event extending all the way to the present, laying down the critical challenges that confront us in a globally warmer and more unpredictable future.

The IPRC in Conversation with Marrugeku
IPRC was proud to host a panel discussion with Australia’s premier Indigenous intercultural performing arts company, Marrugeku about its latest production, Mutiara, commissioned by the 2024 Perth Festival. Mutiara was a celebration of the unsung bond between First Peoples of the Kimberley and seafaring Malay peoples during a time of colonialism exploring the coexistence and the path that often led to love and lifelong companionship.
IPRC Fellow Dr Anne Schwenkenbecher ‘s latest publication
“Philosophers can bridge the gap between science and policy”: Fifteen researchers from across the globe, co-lead by Dr Anne Schwenkenbecher from Murdoch University's School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences have shown that philosophical expertise can help close the gap between research and policy. In their latest publication in Nature Human Behaviour, the group describes how philosophers can benefit public policy development, especially when dealing with complex problems, like those faced during the COVID pandemic.
In the research ‘The Epistemology of Evidence-Based Policy: How Philosophy can facilitate the Science-Policy interface’, the group showed that good evidence-based policy needs to engage with philosophical questions.